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Kod EAN: 9781138294622
Waga produktu: 1.305 kg
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Wydawnictwo: routledge
Data Analysis for Continuous School Improvement provides a new definition of school improvement, away from a singular focus on compliance, toward a true commitment to excellence. This book is a call to action. It is about inspiring schools and school districts to commit to continuous school improvement by providing a framework that will result in improving teaching for every teacher and learning for every student through the comprehensive use of data. A culmination of over 30 years of doing the hard work in schools and districts both nationally and internationally, Data Analysis for Continuous School Improvement shares new, evidence-based learnings about how to analyze, report, communicate, and use multiple measures of data. The updated edition provides a wealth of tools, protocols, timelines, examples, and strategies that will help schools and districts become genuine learning organizations.

Szczegóły produktu

  • Autor: 

    Bernhardt Victoria L.

  • Rok wydania: 


  • Objętość: 


  • Oprawa: 


  • Format: 


  • Tematyka: 

    Literatura obcojęzyczna

  • ISBN: 


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