Pierwsza edycja krytyczna ważnego źródła do historii Polski i historii wychowania: Wspomnień i listów Izabeli Moszczeńskiej-Rzepeckiej (1864–1941) – działaczki niepodległościowej, patriotki, pedagożki promującej idee Nowego Wychowania, zwolenniczki emancypacji kobiet, pionierki wychowania seksualnego. Jej droga życiowa wiodła z dworku szlacheckiego na Kujawach, w którym kultywowano patriotyczne tradycje powstańcze, przez edukację w duchu pozytywizmu na pensji w Warszawie, szeregi niepodległościowej inteligencji warszawskiej (za działalność tę zapłaciła więzieniem), aktywność społeczną w II Rzeczypospolitej aż do śmierci w okupowanej Warszawie. Samotnie wychowała dwoje dzieci: Hanna Pohoska (1895–1953) została historykiem wychowania i docentem UW, a Jan Rzepecki (1899–1983) pułkownikiem WP. Na grobie Izabeli Moszczeńskiej na Powązkach wykuto motto jej życia: "Pełna wiary w zmartwychwstanie Ojczyzny".
Memoirs and Letters
The first critical edition of Memoirs and Letters, an important source for Polish history and the history of education by Izabela Moszczeńska-Rzepecka (1864–1941), who was an independence activist, patriot, pedagogue advocating the ideas of the New Education and supporting the emancipation of women and a pioneer of sexual education. Her life began in a manor house in Kuyavia, where patriotic insurgent traditions were cultivated, she received positivist education at a finishing school in Warsaw and joined the ranks of Warsaw insurgent intelligentsia (and imprisoned for her activity in this field). A social activist in the Second Polish Republic, she died in Warsaw during the Nazi occupation. She raised two children on her own: Hanna Pohoska (1895–1953) was a historian of education and an associate professor at Warsaw University, Jan Rzepecki (1899–1983) was a colonel in the Polish Army. The grave of Izabela Moszczeńska at Warsaw Powązki Cemetery is engraved with her life motto: "Full of faith in homeland’s resurrection".
Memoirs and Letters
The first critical edition of Memoirs and Letters, an important source for Polish history and the history of education by Izabela Moszczeńska-Rzepecka (1864–1941), who was an independence activist, patriot, pedagogue advocating the ideas of the New Education and supporting the emancipation of women and a pioneer of sexual education. Her life began in a manor house in Kuyavia, where patriotic insurgent traditions were cultivated, she received positivist education at a finishing school in Warsaw and joined the ranks of Warsaw insurgent intelligentsia (and imprisoned for her activity in this field). A social activist in the Second Polish Republic, she died in Warsaw during the Nazi occupation. She raised two children on her own: Hanna Pohoska (1895–1953) was a historian of education and an associate professor at Warsaw University, Jan Rzepecki (1899–1983) was a colonel in the Polish Army. The grave of Izabela Moszczeńska at Warsaw Powązki Cemetery is engraved with her life motto: "Full of faith in homeland’s resurrection".
Szczegóły produktu
Moszczeńska Izabela
Rok wydania:
Historia Archeologia