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Osoba odpowiedzialna w UEPodmiot gospodarczy z siedzibą w UE zapewniający zgodność produktu z wymaganymi przepisami.
Experience the world of the Witcher like never before with this brand-new stunning illustrated hardcover edition of Sword of Destiny, the second story collection in the bestselling series by Andrzej Sapkowski that inspired the hit Netflix show and blockbuster video games. With seven beautiful illustrations from award-winning artists, this is the ultimate way to delve into Geralt of Rivia’s world.
Geralt is a Witcher, guardian of the innocent, protector of those in need, and defender in dark times against some of the most frightening creatures of myth and legend.
Join him as he battles monsters, demons, and prejudices alike in this deluxe hardcover edition of the New York Times bestseller Sword of Destiny, featuring a beautiful new cover and seven brand-new, full-page interior illustrations by a range of award-winning artists. Sword of Destiny is the follow up to The Last Wish, and together they are the perfect introduction to a one of a kind fantasy world.
Geralt is a Witcher, guardian of the innocent, protector of those in need, and defender in dark times against some of the most frightening creatures of myth and legend.
Join him as he battles monsters, demons, and prejudices alike in this deluxe hardcover edition of the New York Times bestseller Sword of Destiny, featuring a beautiful new cover and seven brand-new, full-page interior illustrations by a range of award-winning artists. Sword of Destiny is the follow up to The Last Wish, and together they are the perfect introduction to a one of a kind fantasy world.
Szczegóły produktu
Sapkowski Andrzej
Twarda z obwolutą
Rok wydania:
Literatura obcojęzyczna