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Kod EAN: 9781009337823
Waga produktu: 0.315 kg
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Captivating Discovery Education™ video and stimulating global topics spark curiosity and engage teenage learners. Developed in partnership with Discovery Education™, Eyes Open features captivating Discovery Education™ video and stimulating global topics to motivate students and spark their curiosity. The course offers four videos in every unit making learning relevant and engaging. Guided activities and personalized learning tasks develop greater speaking and writing fluency. The Student's Book comes with access to the Digital Pack on Cambridge One which includes the eBook and e-Workbook.

Szczegóły produktu

  • Autor: 

    Goldstein Ben, Jones Ceri, Anderson Vicki, McKeegan David, Higgins Eoin

  • Rok wydania: 


  • Wydanie: 


  • Objętość: 


  • Oprawa: 


  • Format: 


  • Tematyka: 

    Nauka języków

  • ISBN: 


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